Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Ships and Sailors, School Carnival and Organwise Guest Speaker

October 14 -16

First - Fourth Grade Students played Ships and Sailors.  They run to the east wall if I say, "Sailors," and run to the west wall if I say, "Ships."  Other directions are given and students must stop, find a buddy or buddies and perform the action.

Captain's Coming

Man Overboard

Bunk Beds

Birdie on a Perch


On October 15th we had our school carnival with lots of fun activities!  Mr. Shade had some of his art students assist with face painting and help with our shaving cream booth.  Even Mr. Shade took his turn being hit with sponges full of shaving cream!

Two high school art students
painting faces.
 Art Teacher, Mr. Shade, being
a good sport!
Elementary student throwing a sponge
filled with shaving cream at Mr. Shade.

Mr. Morgan and an elementary student playing a game of tic-tac-toe
We were all glad to have Mr. Morgan, our OSU student teacher come back and visit and help at the carnival!

Pre-Kindergarten and First Grade students learned about Organwise from Mrs. Miner, our Noble County Extension Educator.  This program teaches students that our organs want to be happy in side of us.  To be happy we need to take care of them by eating right, exercising, getting enough sleep and not choosing things that are bad for our body.  We learned that Hardy Heart likes us to exercise and Sid and Kid Kidney like us to drink lots of water.  Students will continue to learn more about the Organwise guys throughout the school year.
Mrs. Miner talking to first grade students about
their organs, using an Organwise puppet.

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